‘Path of War’: Top 10 Tips & Cheats You Need to Know

Here are the top 10 tips/tricks/cheats you need to know for Path of War.

1. Become an Expert – Understand the Importance of a Unit’s Primary Target

Path of War

• Each unit deals extra damage to certain types of opposing units. For example, the grenadier’s primary target is structures, indicated with an icon beside their Primary Damage, as shown. Keep in mind that means it deals significantly less damage when fighting against other unit types, like infantry and machine-gun nests.

2. Use the Defending Units’ Movement Against Them

Path of War

• Defending units always move to meet their primary targets. Use that to lure defenders into weak positions. Here the Rocket Infantry moves from their spawn lane laterally to meet the Armored Car, which places them directly in front of guns of the infantry-killing Assault Squads!

3. Use the “Playout Preview” and Deploy Units in Front of Your Other Units

Path of War

• Select a unit for playout and then long-press on the lane where you want to play it to get a preview of where on this lane you could play the unit. In some cases, you can play out a unit so far up that it can avoid some of the mobile defending units. You can also play units in front of other units. Here, before your Grenadiers run into the fire of the Shrapnel Cannon, make use of the space available and play out a Missile Truck on front of them. The truck will take out the Shrapnel Cannon with ease and thus save your Grenadiers.

4. Earn Diamonds by Supporting Other Players and Forts

Path of War

• Once you have the Defense Academy, make sure to not only send troops to your own base but also to other players and forts. Whenever your support units cause significant damage, you earn some diamonds.

5. Take Down Difficult Forts by Targeting Their Defense Academy

Path of War

• Some forts have a really tough layout to take out in one attempt. But if you manage to destroy their Defense Academy, the damage dealt in the last attack will only repair very slowly. Keep in mind that forts which are damaged at the beginning of the attack will be destroyed and not captured.