Ivanka Trump. (Getty)
Opponents of President-Elect Donald Trump have moved from targeting him through the ballot box to targeting Trump – and his daughter, Ivanka – through the pocketbook.
A digital brand strategist from California named Shannon Coulter came up with the idea for the #GrabMyWallet hashtag on Twitter and boycott of companies that carry Trump products after Trump’s lewd remarks to former Access Hollywood host Billy Bush were publicized. CBS News says a grandmother named Sue Atencio, 59, also created the boycott in October, which has gathered momentum since Trump’s election.
At the same time, Trump supporters are targeting companies perceived as criticizing Trump. Those making that list include Oreos, GrubHub, and Netflix. GrubHub’s CEO had told employees that discrimination has “no place at Grubhub” regardless of whether it “worked for Mr. Trump.”
Twitter is awash with competing tensions – those urging boycotts of companies selling Ivanka and other Trump brands, and those urging boycotting of companies that succumb to pressure to get rid of Ivanka and other Trump brands. Three NBA teams are no longer staying at Trump hotels. A fashion designer, Sophie Theallet, who has dressed Michelle Obama, is calling for fashion designers to not dress First Lady Melania Trump.
Trump supporters, meanwhile, have started writing the president elect’s name on Starbucks’ cups to protest that company for its CEO’s Clinton support and holiday cups. The movement is called #TrumpCup, and people give their name as Trump so the barista has to write it on the cup and call it out.
Donald Trump himself has singled out one company, criticizing Apple for overseas iPhone production.
The #GrabYourWallet boycott spearheaded by Trump opponents has largely targeted companies that run Ivanka Trump’s clothing and shoe line. However, it’s also expanded to encompass other companies with Trump products or whose leaders have expressed support for Trump. However, most of the businesses are being targeted for selling Ivanka Trump’s clothing, handbags, and shoes. Ivanka’s clothing and accessories line is worth at least $100 million. Some companies have removed Ivanka’s line as a result of the pressure; Shoes.com is one such site. Interior design company Bellacor is another.
It works both ways; some Trump supporters have been urging a boycott of Pepsi over comments that the company’s head never actually made. The CEO, Indra Nooyi, was falsely accused of telling Trump supporters to “take their business elsewhere,” although she did actually say people were in mourning after the election.

Donald Trump. (Getty)
Coulter maintains a spreadsheet that lists the companies being boycotted by Trump opponents. You can get that list here.
The spreadsheet contains such categories as “Boycott these companies,” “Shop these Trump-free alternatives,” and “Sequential List of Companies That Dropped Trump.”
These are some of the more than 30 companies listed under the “Boycott these companies” category:
Companies Targeted by Trump Opponents
TJ Maxx
Stein Mart
Trump Golf Courses
Trump Hotels
Neiman Marcus
Hudson Bay
Lord & Taylor
Bed, Bath & Beyond
Blue Fly
6 p.m.com
Century 21 Department Store
Burlington Coat Factory
Coulter told The Guardian that she was repulsed by the Billy Bush tape, saying, “It was a feeling of recoiling. It was emotional, visceral. Then I had a pounding headache for a few days. I was filled with nausea.” She told The Guardian that she was targeting Trump’s daughter, Ivanka, because Ivanka had supported Trump even after the allegations were raised.
Companies Targeted by Trump Supporters
The Trump supporters’ boycott list is run by Reddit user “WhiteChristianMan” in a channel called r/The_Donald, “the unofficial Donald Trump 2016 subreddit.” That user now says he was “banned” and uses terminology common among the Alt Right (the word “cuck”), a loose group of conservatives who have been accused of racism and Anti-Semitism. The list contains people and companies believed supportive of Trump as well those listed for not being supportive enough of Trump.
The list includes local companies suspected of losing business due to politics and support for Trump.