Mike Smith, the Stuntman, QAnon Follower & Trump Fan Behind ‘Out of Shadows’ Documentary

Mike Smith stuntman
LinkedIn/Mike Smith

Mike Smith is the Hollywood stuntman behind the conspiracy documentary Out of Shadows.

Smith says in the documentary that while he rehabbed a pelvic injury he suffered while filming, he had a spiritual awakening. “I didn’t find God because I went to church. I found God because I realized that the Luciferian and the occult world was real and that I had been fooled for all of these years and I then got really scared,” Smith says.

Smith says he became a Christian again because of his belief that Hollywood and the entertainment industry are influenced by Satan. The documentary delves deep into the disproved Pizzagate conspiracy theory.

Here’s what you need to know:

1. On Twitter, Smith Identifies Himself as a ‘Follower of the Lord Jesus Christ’

On his Twitter profile, Smith identifies himself as a “Follower of The Lord Jesus Christ American Patriot #MAGA #Qanon.” In a promotional appearance on a pro-QAnon show hosted by user intheMatrixxx, Smith calls the documentary “the result of two years of blood, sweat, and tears by a team of woke professionals.” Smith adds that it was “independently funded and produced.”

Smith says in the documentary that the 2014 Sony email hack following the movie The Interview, which poked fun at North Korea, led him to believe that the CIA had a nefarious influence in Hollywood.

2. Smith Was a High Diver Before Becoming a Stuntman

According to his LinkedIn page, Smith was a former high diver before becoming a stuntman. Smith also refers to himself as a screenwriter, director and film production technologist. Smith says he is a member of the Writers Guild of America, the Actors Guild of America and the Directors Guild of America. His page indicates his specialties are “a leading authority on ‘film blueprinting’ ‘micro-production’ and ‘sharing’ — new film design & production technologies.”

Smith highlights on his LinkedIn page that he has worked for some of the biggest movie studios in the world, including Paramount, Warner Brothers and Sony. Smith says he attended Auburn University. His IMDb page says Smith has two movies coming out in 2020, including Unhinged, starring Russell Crowe.

In 2014, Stunts Unlimited credited Smith with creating “the most thrilling action sequence” of that year in the movie Nightcrawler.

3. Smith Says in 2018 He Was Catfished by a Woman Who Promised to Finance a Movie for Him

Smith told Deadline in February 2018 that he had been “catfished” by a woman who promised to finance a movie he wanted to direct. Smith told the website he had planned to make a movie set in Nicaragua and based in part on the Oliver North scandal.

Smith said a woman who promised to finance the movie with him as director was, in reality, a fraud who was using him for information. Smith said:

When I came to Hollywood, I was an athlete who didn’t want to get a real job. [As a stuntman] I’ve been James Bond and Batman, but that part of my career and life was over and she knew it. I wanted to direct and write.

She knew that too and played on it once she got the hook in. But I’m also not stupid. Something didn’t feel right and I was guarded and when the letdown happened, it made sense. No multi-billionaire is going to cold call someone and offer their dream job.

It is important that people understand what is going on, and the scope of it, which is why I am talking to you. They are preying on a lot of people who don’t deserve it.

4. Even Some Right-Wing Media Have Pointed Out Holes in ‘Out of Shadows’

Although the outlet gave the documentary a favorable review, the conservative outlet The Vigilant Citizen highlighted some of the claims in the documentary, saying, “The documentary does sometimes go into unverified ‘conspiracy-101’ territory (i.e. the origins of the word ‘television’) which may detract from its overall message.”

A negative review of the movie from the liberal Daily Kos read in part, “[The documentary is] merely a mask for a hodgepodge of conspiracy theories associated with QAnon and its linear ancestor, Pizzagate.”

5. CIA Operative Kevin Shipp & Pizzagate Truther Liz Crokin Are Also Featured Heavily in the Movie

Also featured in the documentary is former CIA operative and conspiracy theorist Kevin Schipp. Schipp highlights the CIA’s use of the motion picture industry to promote the agency during and following World War II, a practice that has been widely reported on in the past. Schipp alleges in the documentary that the CIA’s Operation Mockingbird, a practice of the agency recruiting journalists to write favorable stories about the CIA, is still in operation.

Pro-Pizzagate journalist Liz Crokin is featured heavily in the documentary, saying, “Not only is the mainstream media complicit—I would argue that they’re accessories in the crimes against children.” In 2017, Crokin wrote a blog post for Townhall in which she alleged that President Donald Trump was responsible for “busting” sex trafficking rings.

Crokin also speaks at length about Jeffrey Epstein’s high-profile connections and his suicide.

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