Donald Trump’s Motorcade Not Involved in Crash

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Donald Trump motorcade was not involved in an accident in Washington D.C. on the afternoon of January 30. A protester and a Secret Service agent are said to have been injured in an incident outside of the White House. The crash is now said to have involved in a Chinese motorcade. An earlier version of this article stated that the incident involved the president’s motorcade.

In a statement, the Secret Service said that the crash occurred at 12:55 near 17th and F Streets NW. Uniformed Secret Service agents arrested a person who had crossed a police line. That person is also accused assaulting a police officer while attempting to impede a motorcade. The area was secured by the Secret Service.

On the morning of January 30, Bloomberg reported that protesters against Chinese President Xi Jinping’s regime were involved in scuffling outside of the White House. A Chinese delegation was visiting the White House as part of trade talks between the two countries. The network reports that protesters were handing out fliers that allege that the Chinese government has forced residents to relocate. A woman was injured, not seriously, in the early scuffles. Both presidents Trump and Xi have given their officials until March 1 to hammer out a trade agreement.

The White House told CNBC prior to the talks that one of the topics up for discussion was “China’s pledge to purchase a substantial amount of goods and services from the United States.”

According to the president’s schedule, his last event was an intelligence briefing which occurred at the White House at 11:30 a.m. Eastern time. A report published on January 30 noted that President Trump had very little on his schedule for the week proceeding the end of the federal government shutdown.

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